Indignity Vol. 4, No. 108

Previously in Indignity
Zoning Out on the Plane Is the Only Way to Fly
Patriotism Demands That Palantir Make Robot Weapons
MR WRONG: Burned by the hotspot.
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New York City, June 27, 2024
★★★★ The dramatic storms were gone by morning, but the front that had pushed them through still hadn't delivered new dry air. The front door had swelled so it wouldn't close all the way without an extra pull. Gradually, at last, the atmosphere freshened. Sunshine and birdsong came in. The clouds were bright white and moving nicely; the wind tossed people's hair around in Midtown. Up Broadway, Central Park Tower held a vast, wobbly reflection of the clouds and sky, coming as close as it could to blessedly vanishing. Textures and colors leaped off high buildings in the light after an early dinner: the widening tiers and grain of wooden water tanks, the spirals and cross hatching on the columns beside windows, the short-and-long rhythm of brickwork. Out of the sun but still luminous, a cornice 15 stories up gave off the pale green of a nightlight.


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WE PRESENT INSTRUCTIONS in aid of the assembly of a sandwich—serve before the soup—selected from Mrs. Ericsson Hammond's Salad Appetizer Cook Book, by Maria Matilda Ericsson Hammond. Published in 1924, and now in the Public Domain and available at for the delectation of all.
Anchovy Sandwich with Egg a la Rose
Anchois Sandwich aux Oeufs à la Rose
For Six Persons
Six slices of bread, three tablespoons of butter, a bunch of chopped water cress, one teaspoon of anchovy paste, two eggs, pepper and salt to taste, and one tablespoon of lemon juice.
How to Make It. Cut the bread out with a large heart cutter. Chop the water cress very fine, leaving part of it for decoration. Hard boil the eggs and cut six slices of the eggs, one for each sandwich. Stir the butter to a cream, add the cress, lemon juice, the anchovy paste, and pepper and salt; spread the bread. Put in the center of each the slice of egg. Decorate with truffles a daisy on each of the slices of eggs, and all around the sandwich with the stirred butter. Place them on the platter with the point in, in a form of a rose with water cress in the center.
If you decide to prepare and attempt to enjoy a sandwich inspired by this offering, be sure to send a picture to


Supplies are really and truly running low of the second printing of 19 FOLK TALES, still available for gift-giving and personal perusal! Sit in the gathering heat with a breezy collection of stories, each of which is concise enough to read before the thunderstorms start.

HMM WEEKLY MINI-ZINE, Subject: GAME SHOW, Joe MacLeod’s account of his Total Experience of a Journey Into Television, expanded from the original published account found here at Hmm Daily. The special MINI ZINE features other viewpoints related to an appearance on, at, and inside the teevee game show Who Wants to Be A Millionaire, available for purchase at SHOPULA.