MR WRONG: Colonnade!
Indignity Vol. 4, No. 64

MR WRONG: My Column About a Column About a Column About a Column
THE OTHER DAY I read this item in TODAY IN TABS by Rusty Foster:

Hamilton Nolan wrote a book released not too long ago, and in my estimation is a good person who is all about Labor and Unions and Fairness and stuff, and he wrote a thing in HMM WEEKLY (an earlier iteration of INDIGNITY) and Mr. Nolan also is part of the FLAMING HYDRA collective, which also includes me and the Editor of INDIGNITY.
I think that Journalism-wise, that was a pretty good setup about the thing, and about how me and Hamilton Nolan have sort of a DISCLAIMER-type relationship, so now we will dispense with Journalism and get on to my column, which is about (again), Columns! Columnist!
It’s not my fault that a thing came up about Columns right after I typed some crap about being a Columnist, making Columns, which was, let’s see, OK, two weeks ago, and also, yes, three weeks ago. This one came to me, though, it appeared in my email, and I gotta get on it while it’s still steamin’ fresh, you know?
Rusty Foster probably was “catching strays” (which I hadda go and double-check on some not–Artificially Intellectual Internet search to confirm that it’s what I thought it is, like getting clipped by a stray bullet, because I live in a Gun Culture Country), it’s a meme, even, because the TODAY IN TABS property, if it isn’t a Column, certainly resembles one, with Regularity and Topicality and stuff, see? I didn’t plan on making a Recommendation, but it is very entertaining, so, it might be the first time the Mr. Wrong column has ever endorsed a thing to read, besides The Holy Bible, of course, and The Book of Mormon, both of which you should read when you are in a hotel room if somebody left one in the drawer by the bed, and you should also take ‘em with you when you check out. They want you to! It’s “outreach” or something, right?
The Mormon book is a lotta fun because one of the ones I typically find has illustrations in it, which is always better for me, looking at the pictures, but we’re talking about how there’s a tribe of Ancient North Americans or something, and they all kinda look like versions of the classic blonde-haired Jesus.
However, also, unlike Jesus, who traditionally has kind of a distance-runner physique, the Ancient North Americans are powerfully built, very brawny, like the paper towel lumberjack, is that still around, for BRAWNY paper towels?
I just looked, and it’s around, but they cut off dude’s head! On a positive note, there’s a little more Representation going on with the deployment of women Brawnys, but the top of their heads are also cut off.
I think they had a Brawny mascot-guy for so long, and it was kinda 70s-looking stuff, like for Newport cigarettes.
A vigorous-looking dude of Action with a moustache, so they’re trying to get away from that, a little at a time, whittling away at the human aspects of the BRAWNY image.
Also though, I mean, BRAWNY. WHITE. Gotta freshen up the wording!
OK, I get it! Switch it up!
Yow! This one might make it back, “Thirsty O’s!” A Thirst Trap for spills! Yikes! The cut-off-head shop towel product packaging is fun though. Kaboom!
I wonder what BRAWNY MASCOT will evolve into, in order to embody the BRAWN of BRAWNY? An animal? There’s already those ass-wiping shit-bears for that one toilet paper brand, so it can’t be a goddamn bear because they shit in the woods and then constantly congratulate themselves for wiping their asses and show you their TP and you know they’re proud of the whole process, Jesus Christ, fuckin’ scat-bears.
OK, anyway, yeah, I didn’t read it, the whole Hamilton Nolan article, but I agree on the part about how the work (har!) does not depend on education and intelligence and good character! However, when they go “personality deformation,” hey, I resemble that remark! Columnist! How dare you! Meanwhile, who asked you, about your thoughts, eh? Who’s deforming whom, hah?
Hamilton Nolan, welcome! You are kinda being exactly a Columnist, getting a Column outta some stupid shit Pamela Paul pooped out on her page!
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WE PRESENT INSTRUCTIONS in aid of the assembly of sandwiches from New Presentation of Cooking with Timed Recipes, by Auguste Gay with the collaboration of Anne Page. Published in 1924, and now in the Public Domain and available at for the delectation of all.
For each sandwich
2 slices of buttered pumpernickel bread
2 slices of smoked salmon
Put one slice of salmon on each piece of bread. Put together, press lightly and serve.
For each sandwich
2 slices of buttered bread
4 radishes
2 slices American cheese
Slice the radishes. Put one slice of American cheese on each slice of bread, and arrange on top of them the slices of radish. Put slices together and press lightly to make them stick.
If you decide to prepare and attempt to enjoy a sandwich inspired by this offering, be sure to send a picture to


The second printing of 19 FOLK TALES is now available for gift-giving and personal perusal! Sit in the strengthening sunshine with a breezy collection of stories, each of which is concise enough to read before the damp ground seeps through your blanket.

HMM WEEKLY MINI-ZINE, Subject: GAME SHOW, Joe MacLeod’s account of his Total Experience of a Journey Into Television, expanded from the original published account found here at Hmm Daily. The special MINI ZINE features other viewpoints related to an appearance on, at, and inside the teevee game show Who Wants to Be A Millionaire, available for purchase at SHOPULA.