Another Year, Another Collection of Licensed Photographs and Illustrations
FOR OUR FINAL post of this year, we share with you, the subscribers and the paid subscribers of Indignity, the remaining bounty of our monthly Getty Images Photo Roundup. Indignity has purchased an annual subscription to Getty, allowing us to choose from Getty’s vast selection of topical and newsworthy photographs. To make sure all of us get our money’s worth, at the end of each month, Indignity prepares a bonus collection of photos, to keep using up our annual allotment at the appropriate rate.
Here we are, at the end of December, with 366 more days' worth of wear and tear on ourselves, the American republic, and the rapidly warming planet. Will turning a page on the calendar do anything to make that better? The available signs point to the opposite! Nevertheless, we'll be there, and we're happy to have you, the readers, along with us. Thanks for reading and looking at Indignity, and for (some of you) supporting us with your (we assume) hard-earned dollars. To bid farewell to the used-up year of 2024—in which the most elderly president of all time had to quit his reelection bid and the most elderly ex-president of all time finally exited hospice care and we ended up with a new most elderly president in waiting—we present our December photographic theme: OLD.
Thank you for reading the Indignity Getty Image Roundup, or at least looking at the pictures. We are grateful for your continued interest and support.
★★★★ The early light was bright enough with the blinds left up to ease a sleeper into wakefulness. It subsided in mid-morning, but then the gloom burned off to blue. A mockingbird fluttered among the branches of the shrubbery by the corner and perched there fearlessly. The breeze rose to roaring gusts and fell again. Puddles lingered in the curb cuts. The three flights of stairs up past the church sanctuary to the tiny old basketball gym were sweaty work; outdoors again, though, all was coolness. A scrap of orange peel was brilliant in the dazzling light on the crosswalk.
HERE IS TODAY'S Indignity Morning Podcast.
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GOT SOMETHING YOU need to justify to yourself, or to the world at large? Other columnists are here to judge you, but The Sophist is here to tell you why you’re right. Direct your questions to The Sophist, at, and get the answers you want.
WE PRESENT INSTRUCTIONS in aid of the assembly of sandwiches selected from Institution Recipes For Use In Schools, Colleges, Hospitals And Other Institutions, by Emma Smedley, Director of Public School Luncheons, Philadelphia, Pa.; Formerly Instructor in Domestic Science, Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.; Instructor in Dietetics, The Johns Hopkins Hospital Training School for Nurses, Baltimore, Md, published in 1919 and available at for the delectation of all.