Copper Plus Tin
Indignity Vol. 4, No. 131

Indignity Getty Image Roundup for July, 2024
GOOD AFTERNOON! ANOTHER month has gone by here at Indignity—another month in which your subscription dollars kept these newsletters up and operating, complete with visual elements purchased from Getty Images. To make sure everyone gets their money's worth, we are once again providing you with an END-OF-MONTH GETTY IMAGES ROUNDUP, using the previously unused portion of our average monthly allotment of photos and illustrations.
In honor of the ongoing Paris Games of the XXXIII Olympiad, currently showing here and there among the flood tide of commercials and promotions on NBC, we wrap up July by presenting a visual exploration of BRONZE. It's the metal of the medal that still counts in the medal count! Clamber up on the podium, but not too high up—nope, a little lower—and enjoy the sort-of-gleaming spectacle.

Thank you for your interest, and/or your financial support, and/or your reading Indignity, or at least looking at the pictures.

New York City, July 30, 2024
★★ Cloud cover held the sky for a while, then surrendered, leaving a few stragglers to feebly and erratically interfere with the sun. Humidity filled the windpipe. A clean black BMW convertible rolled by, playing "Not Like Us" through its open top. A brisk walk in strong sunlight didn't quite raise a sweat, but a short wait on the subway platform did instantly. A gray-haired man strolled up Amsterdam in a sleeveless t-shirt; not long after came another of roughly the same age with no shirt at all. The blue in the sky grew bluer and the clouds developed more distinct shapes. An elderly woman on the uptown train wore a sun hat, a pale linen jacket, and flip-flops with anchor-print straps. The image of the white edge of a cloud undulated across the moonroof of a parked Honda.

CLICK ON THIS box to find today's Indignity Morning Podcast.

WE PRESENT INSTRUCTIONS in aid of the assembly of a sandwich selected from Mrs. Ericsson Hammond's Salad Appetizer Cook Book, by Maria Matilda Ericsson Hammond. Published in 1924, and now in the Public Domain and available at for the delectation of all.
Tongue Mustard Sandwiches à la Mathilda
Sandwiches de Langue, Remoulade å1 la Mathilde
Cut thin slices from a well-cooked tongue on a bias from the head part; cut as many slices as needed for the sandwiches, then cut twelve slices of bread, two for each sandwich. Take a half cup of ground tongue and mix it with two tablespoons of butter and a teaspoon of mustard; season with pepper and salt and stir it until nice and smooth, then spread it on six of the slices of bread, put one of the other slices of bread on top of each and butter the sandwich on the top. Place on top of that the thin slices of tongue and trim the sandwiches all around then cut them in triangles. Glaze them with some artificial aspic and decorate them in checkers on the top with stirred butter. Arrange them on green lettuce leaves in the form of a ring on a platter and garnish with the heart of the lettuce in the center. These sandwiches can be served for afternoon teas.
If you decide to prepare and attempt to enjoy a sandwich inspired by this offering, be sure to send a picture to


Supplies are really and truly running low of the second printing of 19 FOLK TALES, still available for gift-giving and personal perusal! Sit in the crushing heat with a breezy collection of stories, each of which is concise enough to read before the thunderstorms start.

LESS THAN 5 COPIES LEFT: HMM WEEKLY MINI-ZINE, Subject: GAME SHOW, Joe MacLeod’s account of his Total Experience of a Journey Into Television, expanded from the original published account found here at Hmm Daily. The special MINI ZINE features other viewpoints related to an appearance on, at, and inside the teevee game show Who Wants to Be A Millionaire, and is available for purchase at SHOPULA.